Sunday, November 28, 2010


After nagging me for a week about my lack of blogging, my mother finally came up with a word for it: blog-crastinator.

Blog-crastinator: Defined as either 1)someone who procrastinates on their blogging by doing other things or 2) someone who procrastinates on other things because of blogging.

Obviously I fall into category one.

How can a word have two completely opposite definitions? Good question. Ask my mother. Quite honestly though, she probably only invented the word in hopes of getting a shout-out on my blog. So here you go, mom. This blog is for you.

All week long I have been hearing about my lack of blogging. This is obviously becoming a trend, as the entire month of October and November were recapped in two large blows. I have been home now for 10 days, and I have done next to nothing. Its been fabulous. Besides completing paperwork for one chapter, going to the dentist, and getting a flu shot (which hurts a lot), everything has been fun and games.

I spent the beginning of last weekend in Atlantic City with my friend Dave before he got deployed to Afghanistan. This week, I've been to Keps, the local sports bar, three times with high school friends; I've helped my mom cook Thanksgiving dinner and then eaten turkey for the majority of my meals since then; I've watched a season and a half of Nip/Tuck (which is leading me to consider plastic surgery as a speciality); and I've slept at least 10 hours every day.

It is obvious why I haven't had time to blog, right? Haha.

Tonight I'm getting ready for a 6 day trip to University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon. To get there from home, I am leaving at 6 AM, taking three flights, and arriving at 5 PM. Considering the time change, that's a 13 hour travel day. Eeek! BUT I'm really looking forward to this visit. One of Kappa's Chapter Consultants (like my job but stationary), Tiffany, is from this chapter, and I'm excited to see what they will be like! Already the VP in charge of my visit has been very communicative and generous. Also, one of my Creighton sorority sisters, Katelin, is from the Portland area, so I'm hoping to get to see her one of the evenings!

After this week of travel, I'm coming right back to Peoria, IL for a 5-week long Christmas break. Since I'm only going to be gone for 6 days, I am only bringing a carry-on suitcase with me. Please pause for a moment and realize what a big deal this is. Thank you.

I need to find something productive to do during my five weeks at home. My ideas so far are: get a gym pass, do some volunteer work, take a few road trips. We'll see. Or maybe I'll just watch the next 4 seasons of Nip/Tuck.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Weekend in Orlando!

Before my visit to Rollins College, I spent the weekend in Orlando with a fellow LC, Vicki, and an adviser from the University of Central Florida Kappa chapter, Kathy. Vicki and I have determined that Kathy is the coolest adviser we've met so far. I'm going back to Rollins a few times in the Spring semester, and I hope I get to see her again!

We had a lot of fun hanging out, shopping, and most importantly, going to Disney World-Epcot Park. We went during their month long Food and Wine Festival, which was the BEST time to go! We got to try small portions of food from "all over the world." Here are some pictures from our trip!

The traditional pic of us at Epcot.

Even though it was mid-November, they are preparing for Christmas!

A picture over-looking the lake in the middle of Epcot.

Us with Beauty and the Beast. (Beauty, Kathy, Me, Beast, Vicki)

Me in front of the American Christmas tree.

I forget which country this is...

Spanish dancers!


The Maelstrom: "A High Seas Norwegian Adventure" Kathy had been talking about this ride all day!

Vicki and I with a viking

Character pictures:

Minnie Mouse!


Donald Duck!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

NYC and Philly

What kind of person goes to NYC and doesn't want to do anything? Me. After two crazy fun weekends (Iowa City and Chi-South Bend-cago), I really needed a weekend of relaxation. After my visit to UConn, I caught the train to NYC, where I spent the weekend with Beth, the previous Director of Field Reps.

My weekend?
Friday: Arrive, shop, dinner, relax/paperwork
Saturday: Sleep in, lunch, paperwork, run in Riverside Park, dinner, Broadway show
Sunday: Sleep in, watch the marathon on TV, depart

Really the only "fun" thing I did was go to a Broadway show. Beth and I went to see Fela, an African musical. The show was written by Jay-Z and Will and Jada Smith. African music is so lively and fun. I really enjoyed the show, and it was fun to walk around Broadway and Times Square on a Saturday night.

And of course, no pictures. Sorry!

This week I'm at Villanova University in Philadelphia. My visit got off to a rough start, but its going well. I'll definitely take some pictures this week!

I Think I've Found a Favorite

Last week I visited the University of Connecticut. I absolutely loved my visit there! Every week when I meet new women, they are always so curious about my job. I tend to have the same conversations a lot, and a lot of the questions have become predictable.

Do you just like always travel?
Yes. Every week I'm at a different chapter.

Do you ever go home?
I have been home, but not really.

Wow! So you actually live out of your suitcase?!
Yes. It's not easy, but I've been surprised how little I can live off of.

Where have you been?
Every corner of the country... then I proceed to name them all

What has been your favorite visit so far?
I've like a lot of my visits, but they are all so different from each other it's hard to compare. (New answer: UConn! But I won't share that.)

I can't even point out what was so great about UConn, besides the chapter women. There are two types of chapters that I visit.

1) Chapters that are nice to me, but not necessarily the group of women I would have wanted to be a part of if I went through recruitment at their school
2) Chapters that remind me of my own, and if I had gone through recruitment at their school, I would have definitely wanted to be a Kappa

I've had a few chapters fall into the #2 category, such as UConn, and those are always the most fun visits for me. Honestly though, I can still have a wonderful time with #1 category chapters. Those are the visits where I usually learn the most.

Again, I didn't take any pictures. I had good intentions, but the last two days of my visit were rainy, and I was too comfortable inside to venture out just for pictures. Luckily though, we just got our schedules for the spring semester, and I am going back to UConn in the spring. I promise to take pictures then!

LC Weekend Part III

On Sunday, we cleaned up the condo then headed back to Chicago so we could all catch Monday morning planes and trains. We got a little distracted on our way back to Chicago and stopped at an outlet mall. By the time we got to our hotel, we were really pushing the clock, and we needed to turn our rental car in. Carolyn and Allie returned the beloved Tahoe while Madeline, Vicki, and I got our luggage into the hotel. Below is our luggage. 2 suitcases and 1 briefcase per person x 5 people = 15 bags. We looked crazy, especially because only three of us were bringing the stuff in. Here's all of our luggage below.

After we all got back to the hotel, we got ready for Halloween and for our dinner reservations at Dick's Last Resort. Dick's is a restaurant where the wait staff is mean to you the entire time. They made inappropriate hats and play jokes on their patrons. It was the perfect place to go for Halloween. Here's a picture of Vicki and I at dinner.

Here's a picture of the group of the five of us!

On our walk to the bars, we passed a firestation. We stopped to take pictures outside, then a fireman opened the garage door. Before we knew it we had convinced them to let us in the truck. Here's a picture of me, then a group shot outside the truck.

As we were leaving the station, they gave us all hats (the kind they might have given 5 year olds who were out trick or treating). We walked right past the Wrigley Field and everyone wanted to get a picture. At first I balked (I come from a family of die-hard Cardinals fans), but I couldn't not be in a group picture with our hats. I hope my family does not disown me.

All in all it was the best weekend. Leaving Monday morning was sad. I'm seeing Vicki next weekend in Orlando, but I won't see the rest of the group until January at our Mid Year meetings at HQ.

LC Weekend Part II

On Saturday of Halloween weekend, we went to the Notre Dame football game. We got tickets from the Fetcho family (thanks!) and from Carolyn's in-laws. We also had to borrow Irish gear from one of Carolyn's friends who plays on the team. We look like jersey-chasers...I know.

Here is a picture of Notre Dame's stadium!

The game was great to watch, and we had great seats in the end zone. The marching band was also phenomenal. Of course I had to snap a picture of them!

Notre Dame lost the game by one point to Tulsa. I have to stop going to these close games where "my" team loses! After the game, the football players have a tradition of singing the fight song to the crowd.

Monday, November 8, 2010

LC Weekend Part I

On Thursday night of Halloween weekend, Carolyn, Madeline, Allie, Vicki, and I met up for a weekend in Chi-South Bend-cago. We all arrived in Chicago, by plane, train, or car, then rented a huge black Tahoe to drive to South Bend. Carolyn's brother-in-law used to play for Notre Dame football, and his parents have a condo in South Bend. They graciously let us use the condo for the weekend.

Thursday night we got into town around 1:30 AM, after a long drive and a speeding ticket. We were a little too wound up to go to bed, but we eventually did. I thought we'd never wake up. When we finally did wake up on Friday, we were moving slowly. We decided to go out for breakfast (even though it was lunch time/early afternoon), but discovered we had a flat tire.

We got the tire fixed a lot easier than expected, and we took a driving tour of Notre Dame's campus.

After our tour we went to the grocery store to get food for the weekend. Somehow between eating, getting the tire fixed, driving around, and going to Super Wal-Mart, we managed to waste the entire afternoon. Friday night we prepared a simple and delicious meal. Impressed?

After dinner, we all got ready to go out and explore the bars of South Bend, IN. Below is a picture of me, Vicki, and Allie (left to right).

Here is a picture of the group of us!

Freezing Cold in Appleton, WI

Unfortunately all I remember from my week at Lawrence University was that I was freezing the entire time! From the moment I got to Lawrence to the moment I left the windchill was constantly in the 30's.

Back in the beginning of October, I was home for a weekend and packing for the rest of the semester. My mom and I were having the Great Coat Debate of 2010. Did I need a coat before Thanksgiving break or not? My visit schedule was: Rollins, UIowa, Lawrence Univ., UConn, Villanova, Rollins. In the end we decided no coat.

With the exception of my week at Lawrence, I think this would have been an okay decision, but Appleton, WI was FREEZING! That week the entire Midwest was experiencing terrible winds with gusts up to 60 mph. Not only was I freezing cold, I could not even walk in a straight line because of the gusts. I called my mom to tell her how cold it was, but at that point, she couldn't have sent a coat to me before I left anyway. I just had to double up with a fleece and my leather jacket.

Unfortunately (as is stated in my disclaimer earlier this evening), I took no pictures of Lawrence University. It was a neat, but small school and very well-known for its music and theater programs. The school is right on the river, and although I wanted to hike down the bluffs, I was just too darn cold the whole time.

I had a lot of productive meetings with officers, and Wednesday night we had a joint chapter/Advisory Board/House Board meeting. I have never seen such a large collaborative effort before, and it was great to have the opportunity to help facilitate conversations between three important but different aspects of that chapter.

On Thursday night I left for Chicago to meet up with four other Leadership Consultants for Notre Dame football, Halloween, and mostly just a reunion between the group of us!

My Weekend in Iowa City with Courtney, Jordan, and Marie

One of the best things about my visit to the University of Iowa was the number of people I got to see while I was there. On Wednesday night of that week, I met up with Courtney and her roommates for a few drinks. On Thursday of that week, Tracy, one of my best friends and Creighton Kappa sisters, was driving through town on her way home. She, Courtney, and I met up at Shorts Burgers for dinner.

After my visit to the University of Iowa Kappa chapter, I stayed in Iowa City for the weekend. I stayed at Courtney and Marie's place, and our friend Jordan drove down from Omaha to see us. It was the perfect weekend of relaxation, football, and fun.

On Friday afternoon, Jordan, Courtney, and I went to the grocery store and each bought a pumpkin and a pumpkin carving kit. I got a picture of all three, but it turned out too dark to post. Here's a picture of just my pumpkin. I got really ambitious and tried to carve an owl on a tree. Of course I had to carve a Kappa pumpkin.

Friday night, the group of us went out to the Iowa City bars. Here are some pictures of the group of us.

Friday night was fun, maybe too much fun. We had a bit of trouble getting up and getting ready to tailgate for the game on Sunday. Here's a picture of all of us in our Iowa gear. Jordan and I had to borrow Iowa clothes!

We went to the Airliner to watch the game, and unfortunately Iowa lost to Wisconsin by just one point. It was a rough loss for the Hawkeyes. We went out again that night, and I ran into way too many people that I shouldn't have, like some chapter members and their parents and the Greek Adviser from Creighton University. Thank God I stayed sober is all I'm saying.

Then on Sunday morning I had to get up early to fly to Appleton, WI for my visit to Lawrence University.

I'm Back! My week at University of Iowa

After successfully completing my paperwork from last week’s visit, I am ready to return from my three week hiatus. I am a little disappointed in myself for the lack of blogging that has transpired. I have no idea where my brain has been. I have even been terrible about taking pictures. Fortunately, I have spent some weekends with people who have picked up some of the picture-taking slack for me.

And with that disclaimer, I dedicate these next few posts to Erica Goven and Dave Minnick, two of my close friends and blog-followers who are in law school and graduate school, respectively. It is because of their formal complaints that I was pushed to start blogging again ASAP.

Three weeks ago I visited the Beta Zeta chapter at the University of Iowa. This visit had not originally been on my schedule, but this was one change I was pretty excited about. First of all, I love getting back to the Midwest. Although I have enjoyed traveling around the country this year, there is something about Midwestern people that I just love. Maybe it is their wholesome and humble personalities. Or maybe it is because they actually eat steak. (The West Coast freaks me out a little). Also, one of my best friends, Courtney, is doing a year of pre-dental requirements a University of Iowa this year and living in Iowa City, and I was excited to see her the following weekend!

My week at University of Iowa was very relaxing. I have come to learn that there is one thing that dramatically changes my schedule for the week— meals with officers vs. meals with regular chapter members. When all of my meals are scheduled with officers, it is a two-for-one deal. I have to eat three meals, so when I have them in conjunction with my officer meetings, there are less meetings that must happen. When my meals are scheduled with regular chapter members, I still have to have 18 officer meetings outside of those. There are pros and cons to each method, but at Iowa all of my meals were scheduled with officers, so I had a lot of free time. It was the perfect week for catching up, and it was the last time I've been completely caught up until now.

Unfortunately, I didn’t think to take many pictures while I was there. I did get two of the outside of their house.

To All of my Avid Followers

This weekend I was in NYC with the old Director of Field Reps. I got to do a bit of sight-seeing, but more importantly, I got to catch up on some paperwork. I am just an hour or two away from being completely caught up.

What does this mean for you?

That I will be blogging soon. Work comes before play.

I promise a post by tomorrow!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Busy Busy

I'm a terrible blogger! I have so many fun things to write about, but I've spent so much time doing fun things, I haven't had time to write about them!

First I have to finish reports that are due soon! Next comes blogging. Look for new posts this weekend!

Here's a preview of more blog posts coming soon:

-A week at the University of Iowa
-My weekend in Iowa City with Courtney, Jordan, and Marie
-Freezing cold Lawrence University
-Notre Dame Football/Halloween/LC Reunion weekend
-Heading to New England

And here is the schedule for the rest of my semester:
Currently at the University of Connecticut outside of Hartford
November 5-7 Weekend trip to NYC
November 7-12 Visit to Villanova University in Philadelphia, PA
November 12-14 Weekend trip to DISNEY WORLD with Vicki
November 14-19 Visit to Rollins College in Orlando, FL
November 19-20 Possible weekend trip to Atlantic City, NJ?
November 20-29 Thanksgiving Break
November 29-December 4 Visit to University of Oregon
December 4-January 7 Christmas break!

I am currently planning road trips over break. I'll be in Chicago at least once to see Amanda and Omaha the weekend of December 10th.